Moving further south has not been without its challenges, one of them being the weather. I prefer a steady change of seasons that correspond with the page turns of the calendar. When I flip the page to September, I want the feeling of chilly September nights and the red-gold of changing leaves. Little did I know I'd have to wait until close to the end of October to have a night approaching "cool." (we're talking in the low 70's!)
So I've stuffed Little Bear into sweaters and jackets while she stares at me with a mutinous look and says, "Mommy. HOT!"
I fall back to my trusty calendar and show her the date. "See, it's October."
Bears could care less about calendars. Next thing I know she's racing past me naked except for her diaper. This is how many of my days end up: naked bear on the rampage.
What I'm really looking forward to is a hard frost that will kill all the damn mosquitoes. Holy carp! We were outside kicking a soccer ball yesterday, and I got bit on the eyebrow. The EYEBROW! It wasn't enough that my lifes blood was being sucked. Oh no. The stinking insect had to taunt me by feeding somewhere ridiculous. I have the bulging red mark to show for it and will dress as Igor for Halloween as a result. All I need is a fake hump.
There will be some changes in content around here with some new links going up etc. The timing is perfect. Fall is upon us, the season for cleaning out and organizing. I have quite a To Do List ahead of me regarding the cleaning out aspect.
And there goes the naked bear streaking past me. Pardon me for a moment...
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